Sunday, 9 June 2013

high hopes

Me-usings and Me-emories

9 June 2013 - The rains have finally ended, and I dare put my feet on the ground.  The past few days have been such an incessant bore, that I could not bring myself to discourse.  Perhaps now there will be a few bright spots to celebrate, to remark upon.  I find myself hypnotized by the beautiful beeps that steal our sunflower seeds, but the silly squeep that natters from the feeder tree makes my tail twitch.

methodology of the meow-ster


(for the self-absorbed)

High expectations help, in the big picture, evolve the masses, and in the short term. annoy and goad.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

film of the day - Lincoln Lawyer, a catacomb plot, two purrs

book of the day - The Beauty of Humanity Movement, somewhere between catsup and catnip

word of the day - bureaucat, one that seeks out high places (see picture at top right)

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