Monday, 8 December 2014

glamour puss


Me-usings and Me-emories


9 December 2014 - I am amazed at how photogenic I am...not that I seek out this self-aggrandizement.  The camera belongs to the shorter peep, and she seems to have it ever at the ready.  To her credit she has never once asked me to say "cheese"... because she knows better.  It is enough that I tolerate these intrusions into what otherwise was quality minding-my-own-business time.  If there is a lesson captured in this picture, it is that gloomy weather should be waited out in an amenable lap.  But this particular one is taken.

methodology of the meow-stro




Today's Catechism 

(for the self-taught)

Inertia is favored to win.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons


Catty Corner

word of the day - mewtual, reciprocal, experienced each toward the other, as the special relationship between a cat and his peep

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