Tuesday, 31 August 2021


Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

31 Aug 2021 - I am definitely feeling more at home... I've even auditioned the guest quarters.  It has its good points:  an afternoon sunny patch, the quiet of a dead-end street.  Yet the head pats are scanty back here, so I find myself hanging out more and more in grand central station.  All the resident noises, so strange upon arrival, are now sounding more familiar, i.e., less threatening.  So much so that I have caught myself running, tail high and sideways crooked, just for the pleasure of it.  And with this uptick in comfort level, the shorter peep is once again the prankster, peeking around corners, jumping from behind doors.  Fun has returned.

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

The hermit life
isn't for everyone.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - purrdestrian, uneventful (just like the cat ordered)


  1. glad to hear you are feeling at home and having fun

  2. I admit to being overly cautious
