Thursday, 17 April 2014

winner of discontent


Me-usings and Me-emories

17 April 2014 - A cat's curiosity surprises few.  The stated cause of our demise however began as "care" (i.e., worry) in the 16th century, and the idiom was used by Shakespeare in Much Ado About Nothing.  But by the time O. Henry was penning stories, "care" had been replaced by "curiosity".  Other 20th-century writers who were drawn to the catchy metaphor include Eugene O'Neill and Stephen King.  Yes, we cats are an inspiration, a muse that sanctions the pursuit of "why" and "how".  After all ignorance brings its own form of danger.

methodology of the meow-stro




Today's Catechism 

(for the self-taught)

The question is as
important as the answer.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

film of the day - Captain America: The Winter Soldier, cataclysmic action that pits freedom against security

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