Friday, 18 December 2015

"a peddler just opening his pack"


Me-usings and Me-emories

18 December 2015 - Is this for moi??  From this angle the viewer might think that I am actually in the bag....but I'm not.  It was emanating a strange odor that compelled me to rub my head along its top edge.  Now it really is mine.  The choice of colors couldn't be better for a tuxedo cat, thank you, anonymous giver.  Later on I'll conspire, when the peeps aren't watching, to extract the tissue paper and bat it around the floor.  Who knows, in my excitement I may even make red confetti?  It is after all the season to share joy.

methodology of the meow-stro




Today's Catechism 

(for the self-taught)

Presents can just be the
presence of a friend.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - scatawag, mischief-maker, naughty but in a nice Cal-VIN way

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