Wednesday, 22 June 2016

put out


Me-usings and Me-emories

22 June 2016 - If I were being honest, I would admit that this place by the lake offers lots of pluses (although weather isn't one of them).  There are numerous spots to hang out, many featuring elevated views of the water and local wildlife.  Florida doesn't offer piles of rocks over which to scamper and prowl, and how very neat it is to be able to drink, whenever I wish, from this oversized sink.  Of course now that the feeder is hanging from the tree, the annoying squeep is back.  He and I have a love/hate relationship that keeps my lifestyle from being completely sedentary... which on balance is a good thing, although he is giving me scowl lines.

methodology of the meow-stro




Today's Catechism 

(for the self-taught)

Turning lemons into lemonade
assumes you like lemonade.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - purrsist, to badger, hound (ha!), and otherwise cajole the peeps to do your bidding


  1. thank you very much! It helps when one has good material to work with.
