Tuesday, 29 November 2016

do tail


Me-usings and Me-emories

29 November 2016 - I am in full "what was that?" mode.  If my front paw was raised, I could pass for the pointer variety of dim deeps (not that I would ever aspire to be one).  With these warm temperatures I can't decide if I'd rather be inside or outside... and the shorter peep is probably wishing that I would make up my mind, as I have called on her to assist my frequent exits.  My nose won't let me rest:  with a source of water in our yard, all sorts of wildlife are sneaking a drink, and leaving their scented trails for me to track.

methodology of the meow-stro




Today's Catechism 

(for the self-taught)

Be a curious George (or Georgina).

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - purrsue, to follow something, to hunt for the answer  to "what?"

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