Shamus on view |
Me-usings and Me-emories
31 May 2023 - The shorter peep said last evening that I've been given a reprieve. That's a new word for me... I can't even decide if the news is good or bad, so my anxiety level is up. However, so far, I haven't detected anything out of the ordinary: we are following the usual routine, I'm still being offered treats, and most telling, I haven't spotted "the bag"... I'm beginning to feel optimistic. If this pattern continues, I will file "reprieve" in my gray cells as a desirable situation. Meanwhile I'm steering clear of areas without several exit points.
Today's Catechism
(for the autodidcat)
"Too good to be true"...
what about "too awful to be true"?
Bring back Bastet |
Bastet beckons |
Catty Corner
phrase of the day - get cat-racking, to act quickly (in my parlance, skedaddle)
Catty Corner
a reprieve? from visiting the white coats? or from traveling?