Me-usings and Me-emories
23 April 2019 - Geez, it would seem that I must keep a constant eye on the shorter peep. She wandered off again, finally reappearing last night, smelling of foreign places. Why she makes me and the taller peep worry so, is not understandable (and not appreciated either). I must take solace in the "all's well that ends well" adage, and ignore the niggling notion that it will happen again. But don't we cats pride ourselves in not fretting about the future? I will enjoy the fact that she, and her lap, are back where they should be. But anxiety certainly saps one's energy... it is no surprise that I require a restorative nap.
methodology of the meow-stro |
Today's Catechism
(for the self-taught)
Gray hairs, silver lining...
so very different.
Bring back Bastet |
Bastet beckons |
Catty Corner
word of the day - purrized, valued and beyond purrice (a good thing, since we cats have no money)
Catty Corner
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