Saturday, 14 October 2023


Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

14 Oct 2023 - Remember my saying "no space too small"... the only way to check between these cracks is to sprawl upon the boards.  So to the casual observer, it could appear that I am goofing off, a regular slacker, but in reality I am on the job, getting down and dusty.  This time I didn't roust anything of consequence, creatures so tiny I don't even bother with nomenclature.  But who can say what will be lurking next time?  And so there must be a next time (not that I am complaining).

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

A good bit of one's life
is routine.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - ordicatnary, business as usual (to a cat)


  1. It’s good to keep your eye on the little things….Hitty is very diligent at alerting me to tiny multi-legged things that make it indoors….I appreciate her work

  2. so gratifying to have one's work acknowledged
