Shamus on view |
Me-usings and Me-emories
10 April 2021 - I pass through this connecting hallway often... so when did this clutter appear? As keeper of the grounds naturally I must investigate, and determine its threat level. My life would be much simpler if I could pass by, giving the blight some measure of safe distance... but then my naps would be troubled with thoughts of irresponsibility. In an unknown situation the initial approach is always the most dangerous, but nothing exploded... nothing even moved. Mostly it smelled of peep provenance, and I quickly dismissed the collection of odds and ends as uninteresting: "of no consequence" is the official designation, pronounced onk in the parlay (add "-ing" for its adjective form, e.g. an onking nuisance).
Today's Catechism
(for the autodidcat)
"Because" is often preferable
to tracking down the real reason.
Bring back Bastet |
Bastet beckons |
Catty Corner
word of the day - purrtected, secured from harm, in safe paws
Catty Corner
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