Friday, 2 April 2021


Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

2 April 2021 - Although a purr is soothing to most ears, a cat's singing voice is an acquired taste.  Sharp-edged and at times eardrum-piercing, the feline arpeggio, typically rendered from low to high, does get your attention... which probably was the intent, giving my ancestors with the most strident tone a slightly better survival edge.  I haven't used my "outside" voice since coming inside our abode... there has been no need, and I am essentially a retiring individual.  The shorter peep and I occasionally carry on a conversation, both of us meowing away.  I'm sure she is clueless as to what she is saying, but her attempts to communicate are a sweet gesture.

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

It is fortunate that most
don't have to sing for their supper.


Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

purritone of the day - Purrcido Domingo, world-acclaimed voice (at least among felines)  from the I-purr-ian peninsula


  1. did you hear the one about 'when it pours outside, it purrs inside'

  2. it has been so long since it has poured outside....
