Tuesday, 20 September 2022

I jeer you

Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

20 Sep 2022 - Everyone has his own on-paper definition of humor, and then there is what elicits impromptu laughter.  Personally I don't find this picture funny at all, as the joke's centerpiece is one of my kind.  The only good thing I can say is "thank Bastet it wasn't me wearing that get-up".  The shorter peep, trying to suppress a grin, assures me that the wig and clothing were added to a picture of a cat, not added to the actual cat... but I still object to the undignified treatment.  Humor that makes fun of a sentient being is a low blow... must a pecking order be asserted as truth?  I have no issue making fun of oneself:  if the joke-teller wishes to hold up his inadequacies for the audience's chuckle (and ridicule), then that is his choice... I just hope he has a thick coat of fur.

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

What motivates the
unkind word?

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - mockpurry, the contemptuous dismissal of another (I take every interloper seriously)


  1. I suspect anyone trying to dress you like that would end up a bloody mess lol

  2. my defense would be "they asked for it"
