Sunday, 4 September 2022

in all seriousness

Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

4 Sep 2022 - Interlopers tend not to show up for practice, so I make do with a fuzzy sparring partner.  Once I have the adrenaline pumping, I forget that it has a string attached to its back and focus on knocking it to kingdom-come... and then, of course, fetching it, to play-fight some more.  Sometimes in the tussle, it manages to land, literally, a body blow, but mostly it takes the pounding... so perhaps I am the one responsible for its "fuzzy" appearance.  So far its innards remain inside, and it mostly resembles a meep, but size-wise should probably be upgraded to a reep... whatever, I reign.

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

Learn the moves before getting
on the dance floor.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - purrcedure, the customary way of doing things (and we cats are creatures of habit)


  1. Some hands on practice is always a good thing…you don’t want to be caught unawares! My nephdog Dandy puts in vigorous practice….he doesn’t hesitate to rip out all the stuffing, but you probably get a lot more wear out of your toys than he does

  2. my cautious nature stops a full-on rip-a-thon
