Shamus on view |
Me-usings and Me-emories
21 Oct 2021 - "Have you seen Shamus?" Of course I am on my screened porch. Although the afternoon temperatures are not as toasty as I would like, my two peeps are exclaiming about the downturn. As long as I am able to spend time out there, we are all three happy. Our situation is what is known as a compromise, and it appears to be necessary if one is something other than a hermit. And what is life but a series of adaptations to circumstances. Although I'd like to think that there are limits to being a chameleon... otherwise who would opinionated I be?
Today's Catechism
(for the autodidcat)
Don't keep score.
Bring back Bastet |
Bastet beckons |
Catty Corner
adage of the day - even a tuxedo cat can recognize shades of gray
Catty Corner
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