Wednesday, 18 December 2013

wrapped around the little finger


Me-usings and Me-emories

18 December 2013 - Finally there is some activity beneath the tree, and I am supervising the process, gratis, to insure a quality job.  Even though this particular package isn't, alas, to or from me, I feel the flagging peep can benefit from my encouraging presence.  She is, I can attest, sleeping the sleep of the exhausted, but even so I can detect the scent of fatigue on her skin.  I have tried, by example, to suggest a beneficial nap, but she isn't picking up on the hints.  You can understand my concern, as much remains to be done.  For one thing, her shopping isn't completed based on the absence of any gift addressed to me.  I have been exceptionally well-behaved and ever attentive, so I feel confident that my wishes will be granted...well, perhaps everything but the white meek meep, but I can manage without that one as there are numerous brown specimens just outside the door.

methodology of the meow-stro




Today's Catechism 

(for the self-taught)

Extend a hand; you might
need one in the future.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner
word of the day - cattered, torn and otherwise in poor condition from being shredded by claws


  1. What?!!! You allow glass baubles to remained unharmed hanging on the bottom branches of the tree? Where is your "Calvin" nature?

  2. I am embarrassed to admit that I feel the judgmental eyes of Santa upon me. Only five more days to keep myself under control and under the radar.
