Wednesday, 25 June 2014

don't fence me in


Me-usings and Me-emories

25 June 2014 - Most of the time my peeps are considerate enough to open doors for me (but overall having no opposable thumb is an evolutionary oversight).  However there are times when deep sleep or otherwise being elsewhere prevent them from helping a pal out.  So I have my own private entrances that do not require the turning of a knob to be opened.  I can come and go as I feel necessary.  I do like the autonomy this system gives me, and mostly these unsecured means into our domicile have not been regretted...although there was that one time when a neighbor cat got confused and let himself in, but that was quickly sorted out. Too much independence on my part, I fear, might hurt the peeps' feelings, so I try to minimize the usage of these doors in lieu of those that require peep assistance.  I wouldn't want them to feel unneeded.

methodology of the meow-ster


(for the self-absorbed)

The idea that when one door closes another opens sounds like wishful thinking.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - lipurrty, freedom to make one's own choices, to act as one pleases...try convincing a cat otherwise

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