Friday, 27 June 2014

strut your stuff



27 June 2014 - If you think that you are having to toe the line, try walking atop a 2"x6", which of course is the board's rounded-up measurements...don't want to confuse the masses with fractions.  I do it to keep myself in form and because I can:  don't you peeps harp on "use it or lose it"?  Besides the stakes aren't that high, three feet to the walkway, double that to the ground.  Another reason I enjoy perching on the railing is that it improves, but not actually levels, the playing field.  The peeps don't hover above me when I'm at this height, and I am much closer to that pesky squeep when it raids the feeder.  Oh, did I mention that I leap up here?  Alright, it is a bit of a scramble, but I am a double-digit aged cat bearing double-digit pounds.  Don't get snarky, it isn't becoming.

methodology of the meow-ster


(for the self-absorbed)

Life is a balancing act.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - sangfuroid,  coolness under pressure, composure, nerve..."Moi?  Mais oui!"

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