Tuesday, 4 January 2022

brrs of paradise

Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

4 Jan 2021 - When nature gives you cold, give it a scold... and curl up somewhere warm.  Yesterday was mostly spent with my paws over my head in chilly disbelief.  The shorter peep kept warming my towel, and I managed.  Fuming at Mr. Sol is unproductive, but nonetheless feels good... and on a day when there are few bright spots, why not vent?  It may actually be smarter to hold onto that hot air, and pipe it to the nippy extremities... but that plan isn't as satisfying.  I am hopeful that today will be a return to balmy, but I will settle for temperate.  Meanwhile my appetite is hearty, the calories quickly burned in my internal furnace.


clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

If weather were determined by vote,
we'd soon live in an equatorial desert.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

destination of the day - the purromised land, a place in which one expects to find happiness (i.e., warmth)

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