Tuesday, 11 January 2022

on demand

Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

11 Jan 2022 - The dorsal side of a seated cat is a thing of beauty, sleek and contoured.  It probably was Bastet's idea to make this view unviewable, lest our egos get even bigger.  But we are aware of its impact on an unbiased observer, so we are not totally ignorant that we turn heads... not just our own.  But good looks alone won't buy kibble, so I focus more on being indispensable.  Hence my vigilance on the local population of interlopers (that, and it's fun).  A winning personality opens doors as well, and thankfully I am not snarky by nature.  It is all part of my plan to be forever employed (and loved).

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

Go easy on being difficult.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - purrleasant, relaxed and equable (it's nice to be nice)


  1. Hitty isn't too smooth right now....a little on the bony side and there are a few shaved and over-groomed patches. She hopes that before long she will match your sleekness

  2. Minimizing stress and eating healthily did it for me.

  3. Hitty thinks a regular bowl of wet food is a good supplement to kibble
