Me-usings and Me-emories
31 August 2018 - What to do when one desires to be outside, but there is a niggling wind? Find the leeward side! Not only does this spot give me southerly exposure, but blocks the chilling effects of Boreas. I knew that a solution existed, and the reward for finding it is a peaceful nap. My peeps have made me aware that Labor Day weekend has begun: maybe I'll put in some time at the office, maybe I won't.
methodology of the meow-stro |
Today's Catechism
(for the self-taught)
is its own reward.
is its own reward.
Bring back Bastet |
Bastet beckons |
Catty Corner
word of the day - spurr, to give a cat incentive ("we have the will, so there is a way")
Catty Corner