Friday, 25 August 2023

tunnel vision

Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

25 Aug 2023 - The deck is in shadow, as am I:  Mr. Sol is ending his day.  But my commendations to a job well done, as I was able to patrol all my routes with minimal complaints about the weather (I am a cat after all).  Having pushed back the interlopers assailing our eastern front, I can now give most of my attention to the domicile interior.  With these cooler temperatures, these shifty sorts are hoping to squat in an unnoticed corner:  a hissy HA to that thought.  I know their ways, even their ambitions, and will be poking my head into all the places ideal for a ne'er-do-well lair.

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

It pays to know the enemy.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - purrow, an animal's dwelling (my den has cushions)


  1. At least you can stay warm while you drive away the shivery interlopers
