Sunday, 4 October 2020

jolly good

Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

4 October 2020 - I love the fact that there are still frontiers within these walls.  Was it carelessness or "a bigger plan" that caused the peeps to open a new door?  Other than my niggling curiosity, the answer doesn't matter, as this weekend I have a new space to explore and patrol.  Surprisingly it was not overrun by interlopers, despite my lack of access... we must not live in a high-grime area.  And a second door opening onto the screened porch was left ajar as well... now I can make very satisfying Indy laps out, through, and back in.  Life just gets more and more fun.

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

There's no reason why
you can't ride the gift horse.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - escatpades, exciting romps and meowvelous adventures

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