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Me-usings and Me-emories
7 September 2020 - Neither pacing nor walking in circles is to be recommended, but I do love my morning calisthenics: running through the house. For some reason my peeps position furniture in the middle of rooms... which is perfect for laps (not the sort one naps on). After several fast orbits around the living room, I shoot off on a tangent to the dining table, where sits the shorter peep... and spin around her, like a moon drawn to its planet. Sometimes a side trip onto the porch is added, should the door be left ajar. Today a rubber ball appeared on the steps and bounced/careened across the floor... variety in ones exercise routine is always appreciated. After such a vigorous start, I feel little need to do anything else for hours and hours.
clipped notes
Today's Catechism
(for the autodidcat)
Gain with strain,
but pain is the bane.
Bring back Bastet |
Bastet beckons |
Catty Corner
word of the day - purrculean, kitten/cat tough, all buff (and some bluff)
morning kitty krazies!