Monday, 28 September 2020

the devil you say

Shamus on view

Me-usings and Me-emories

28 September 2020 - Periodically the peeps free from the closet a thing that menacingly moves through my safe spots, growling loudly as it goes.  I don't know its proper name (nor why they tolerate its evil presence), but ever since it roared through my I-thought-secret lair it has become my nemesis.  Now when I hear its almost comical squeak as it exits confinement (I don't dare snicker lest I give myself away), I seek asylum.  Its latest outing had me totally panicked... until I noticed the shorter peep sitting at the table, hunched over food.  Not wishing to die alone, I joined her... and escaped molestation.  I am not certain if this area is simply off-limits to the beast or if it knows to avoid my peep... but I am sticking with her next time it appears.

clipped notes

                             Today's Catechism 

                            (for the autodidcat)

I snarl "humbug" to the notion
that if it doesn't kill you,
it will make you stronger.

Bring back Bastet
Bastet beckons

Catty Corner

word of the day - despurrate, feeling that one is about to need the next life


  1. hysterical....yet, poor Shamus....Mika feels the same way about the dreaded beast

  2. is Michael vacuuming? or do you have a Roomba?

  3. which doesn't help Michael's like-ability
